Little Man’s Arrival Story

Well, here it is.  It’s been just over three months since our little miracle baby arrived!  I can’t believe it!  The time has gone so quickly and so slow all at the same time.

WARNING-This is long and has the details of all things birth…and did I already mention; it’s super long.  🙂

The week or two leading up to his arrival I had been feeling off and on contractions; nothing intense, just kind of obnoxious.  I went to my doctor appointment on Friday, June 3 and was dilated to 1cm and 80% effaced.  The doctor reassured me that it could be a few days but at the same time could be a few weeks, there’s no way of knowing for sure.  Baby was growing on track and he estimated him to be about 7.5 lbs if he kept growing the way he was.

Saturday throughout the day we were just doing the normal things people do in early June; spending time outside, laundry, cleaning, and attending graduation parties.   We walked next door to the graduation party and after having some cake and potato chips hubs said we should go home and little miss could play with some friends.  I told him to wait just a minute and he looked at me and said “you’re having a contraction, aren’t you?”  Yes, yes I was, but nothing painful, I just didn’t want to walk home in the middle of a contraction.  So we waited a minute and it passed.  We went home, little miss went to a friends house, and we continued to time contractions that were anywhere from 5-15 minutes apart.  We walked around the circle in our neighborhood and they stopped so I didn’t think anything of it.

As we were sitting outside I asked hubs what he wanted for supper.  He said jokingly (kind of) “we won’t need anything for supper because we’re going to be in the hospital.”  I said, “quit it, I’m not going to have the baby today.”  I went in, folded some laundry, and went about the rest of the day.  Around 5:15 we decided we should probably go to the grocery store and get something for supper so we got in the vehicle and drove around for about 10-15 minutes.  I had 2 or 3 contractions in that amount of time, but really didn’t think much of it; they weren’t that painful.

Text message conversation between me and some friends.

Well, we pulled into the parking lot of the little grocery store in town and husband said, “now if your water breaks here, don’t freak out, just tell me it’s time to go.”  So we parked and him and little miss got out of the vehicle.  As I put one leg out of the car to get out, I felt a pop.  I looked at husband and said “we need to go home.”  He looked at me in a little disbelief and little miss got SUPER excited!  I said I either just peed my pants or my water broke.  He asked, well do you usually pee your pants getting out of a vehicle?  Nope, not usually but you never know what will happen when you’re 36 weeks pregnant!  I text a friend (and husband called them) and said they’ll have to come get little miss ASAP.



We pulled into our driveway and aforementioned grad party was still happening in the driveway next door.  Little miss gets out of the vehicle and yells “MOMMY’S GOING TO HAVE HER BABY!”  LOL  (I don’t think anyone heard her but that wasn’t exactly how we wanted others to find out.  haha)

So our friends got to our house, got little miss, snapped a quick picture of us before going to the hospital and away we went, leaving for the hospital at about 6:00 pm.  While we were driving we called both sets of parents and contractions were much more intense.  Husband drove kind of fast and we arrived at about 6:20 or so.

Before leaving for the hospital

When we arrived to the hospital, he asked if I wanted to be dropped off or needed a wheelchair and tough girl me said no, I’ll be ok, just park and we can walk.  So one contraction in the parking lot later and a random guy who happened to be walking out bringing me a wheelchair, we got into the ER.  The gals at the front desk acted like they were nervous, got me all checked in and put my sticker wristband on super crooked and we waited for the nurses to come get us.

We got to the room at about 6:30 and I put on the gown the nurse gave me and went to the bathroom.  The nurse had asked if I wanted an epidural to which I said yes, then left the room again.  She came back in and nonchalantly said she was going to check me and see where I was at then likely call the anesthesiologist.  She checked me then said she needed to get a second opinion because sometimes she can’t tell. So the second nurse came in and said yeah, you’re dilated to 9+.  Then it was kind of a mad scramble.  They asked if I had the strep test done yet so they were looking for those results, since I was three weeks +1 day early they had to have a pediatric and respiratory team in the room along with each of their nurses.  They called the doctor who arrived about 10-15 minutes later and checked me when he arrived.  He said alright, you’re ready to push, are you ready?  Ok, with the next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can.  We’re going to have a baby tonight! I replied to him by laying my head back and ignoring him.

Doc reassured me that this delivery was going to be a lot smoother than my previous one and boy was he right.  After about 4 or 6 more pushes, baby boy was here and born at 7:34 pm!  No pain meds (which absolutely shocks me), only support from my awesome DH and the amazing nurses that were by my side!!  Thankfully the peds doctor looked over baby boy and he was good and his lungs were developed so we didn’t need the respiratory team either.  I do remember thinking during delivery though, how many people are in here watching me push this baby out?!?!

But he is here and perfect and healthy and that’s all that matters.

Once again, I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers throughout our journey!!  Continued prayers are definitely appreciated!  I will post a follow up at some point in time on how the Lord protected us and answered prayers throughout the pregnancy so watch for that too!


4 thoughts on “Little Man’s Arrival Story

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    1. I know! And I know it isn’t as exciting to everyone else as it is to us but I like to share it! Then compare it and reminisce with other moms. 🙂


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