God Sightings

Know what a God sighting is?  I didn't either before teaching children's church at church and learned about them.  😉  It's different times in your life that you know that God was involved.  I was going to name this post "Accomplishments" but it sounds so selfish when in reality I couldn't have done/continue to do... Continue Reading →

Six Days

After baby boy was born we were obviously elated.  After getting over the initial shock that I actually just gave birth to our baby boy-our rainbow baby, our miracle-we enjoyed every moment of being together.  Having him be born at 7:34 pm was kind of nice!  Yes, it got to be kind of a late... Continue Reading →

Little Man’s Arrival Story

Well, here it is.  It's been just over three months since our little miracle baby arrived!  I can't believe it!  The time has gone so quickly and so slow all at the same time. WARNING-This is long and has the details of all things birth...and did I already mention; it's super long.  🙂 The week... Continue Reading →

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